Still Have A Question?
Please write to us at Contact Us page or call our customer support at (213) 622-9287.
Jack’s Candy customers: Please allow up to three (3) business days for your order to ship. Many of our items are heat sensitive and we may delay your shipment to avoid spoilage. All orders are shipped via UPS. If an order contains heat sensitive items, it will be packed with cold gel packs which are good for up to 3 days. Therefore, we suggest customers upgrade to 3-day shipping for any order(s) that contain heat sensitive items. We will not ship out any order(s) where ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) falls on a weekend, holiday and/or it exceeds the 3-day window. No refunds given on melted items.
Please write to us at Contact Us page or call our customer support at (213) 622-9287.